CS 371p (1pm): Week 7

This week feels like a fresh start. With the last two weeks behind me, I am ready to start these next two off right. I have no tests in my other classes for a while, and all my large assignments are spread out. For this next OOP project, I have a partner and plan to get it going nice and smoothly.

I will say I am not looking forward to this one as much as I was the last. Writing a heap manager does not sound that fun. My thoughts will have to wait until after the project description is given in class. The lengthy page describing what a heap manager does was not very inviting and doesn’t make me very eager to read it. This is in comparison to the last two projects which had simple descriptions. My only goal going into this at the moment is to finish it and get full marks. Since I am starting on time, and because I have a partner, this should not be as hard as the previous one seemed to be.

Looking back at the test we took on Thursday, I thought it was fair. There were a couple of things that I wasn’t ready for, but this is true for every test. I can’t expect myself to know every angle that the questions come at. For the multiple choice section, I felt confident on most of the questions and my grade seems to reflect that. The short answer ones I have the same feelings. I would not be surprised if I got points off for errors here and there for that section. I feel pretty confident in my coding section. I will just have to wait and see what my final score is.